thePager Newsletter


To make cardiologists smarter faster.  

The Problem: 
Information Overload.

It's impossible to keep up with the overwhelming volume of cardiology content published by academic journals, traditional news outlets, and social media. Over 200 academic cardiology articles are published weekly! Only a small fraction of this content is practice-changing. 

The Solution: 
thePager Weekly Email Newsletter.

Each week the highest impact cardiology articles and media are aggregated and summarized from over 50 academic journal, traditional news outlet, and social media sources into one easy-to-read email newsletter.  Clean, concise, and straightforward. 


thePager newsletter is curated weekly by a cardiologist then delivered to your inbox every Thursday morning.


We would love to hear from you! 
For feedback, collaboration, sponsorship:

Logo that reads "thePager" with an icon of a medical pager